In my previous article, I proposed a solution for exporting Dataverse audit data to an Azure Data Lake (Gen2) storage account using the KingswaySoft component for Dynamics 365 and via a SQL Integration Services (SSIS) package.

This article proposes a similar solution, but this time the export process will be implemented using an Azure Synapse Analytics workspace and the Apache Spark framework, with the same objective of freeing up storage space in the Dataverse database and exploring the audit information hosted in an external data source through a PowerBI report.



  • An active Azure subscription.
  • Provision an Azure Synapse Analytics workspace.
  • Apache Spark cluster.
  • Enable auditing in the Dataverse environment.
  • Data Lake Gen2 storage account.


First of all, the architecture of the ETL process to be implemented for the periodic export of audit data from Dataverse to Data Lake is described in detail.

Audit logs in Dataverse are constantly being created, both by user activity and by scheduled processes. It is therefore necessary to retrieve this information incrementally and periodically (e.g., once a day). To do this, it is necessary to retain the date of the last data extraction, so that only new records created in the system are retrieved during the next process runs.

For this purpose, it is proposed to store the date of the last data extraction for each audited entity in a control CSV file stored in the Data Lake. During the execution of the process, this value is retrieved and used as a cut-off date to filter the audit records. At the end of the process, the date of the last data extraction is updated for future executions.

Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure

For the organization of audit data in Data Lake, it is proposed to create a specific root container (audit-crm) to store this information, composed of the following directories:

  • /Ingest: Used as an auxiliary storage area for incremental audit data retrieved during each run of the process.
  • /AuditData: Main container in which the history of the processed audit data is stored, made up of a folder for each of the audited entities in Dataverse.


Regarding the organization of the audit data within the main container, it is proposed to partition according to the structure ‘YEAR / MONTH / DAY’. However, this is only a suggestion. Any other partitioning structure can be used, as long as it fits the specific requirements of the project or the recurrence in the execution of the process. For example, if the audit extraction is performed on a monthly or quarterly basis, a folder could be created for each month or quarter, respectively.

For the use case proposed in the article, a process will be implemented for the daily extraction of the audit of the Contact entity in Dataverse, using the following directory structure in Data Lake:

Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure

The ETL process for the audit export is implemented through an Azure Synapse Analytics pipeline, consisting of the following phases:

  1. Truncate: the content of the auxiliary ingest directory corresponding to the last execution of the process is removed.
  1. Get the last execution date: The date corresponding to the last extraction per entity is retrieved from the control CSV file.
  1. Ingest: The incremental audit data generated since the last extraction is obtained from Dataverse, through a query in FetchXML format.
  1. Transform and load: The incremental data obtained in the previous phase is processed and the audit history is updated in Data Lake, through the execution of an Apache Spark notebook.
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The steps to be taken prior to the implementation of the process are indicated below, followed by a detailed description of each of these phases, specifying the resources and components used in each one.

Creating a directory structure in Data Lake

The first step is the creation of the directory structure used by the process for the storage of the authoring information. The main container, called ‘audit-crm’, will be created in the main Data Lake (Gen2) storage account linked to the Synapse Analytics workspace.

Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure

The creation of the container and underlying folders can be done directly from the data explorer in the Synapse Analytics workspace, from the ‘Containers’ section of the resource corresponding to the storage account in the Azure portal, or by using the free Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer tool.

Creation of incremental control filesl

Once the directory structure has been created, the next step is to create the control file, used to store the date of the last extraction.

To do so, it is necessary to create a new file with CSV extension for each of the audited entities (Contact in this case) with the date from which the audit is to be retrieved, with the following structure:

Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure

NOTE:It is recommended to use the date format “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.000” to avoid errors when querying Dataverse during the ingest phase from the Azure Synapse Analytics pipeline.

Then upload the control file in the root directory (audit-crm) of the main storage account.

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Azure Synapse Analytics Pipeline Implementation

After generating the incremental control files, the next step is the creation of the pipeline corresponding to the main process in Azure Synapse Analytics, which acts as an orchestrator over all the phases previously indicated.

The necessary steps are detailed below:

  1. From the Synapse workspace resource in Azure, Open Synapse Studio.
Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure
  1. If we consult the linked services from the external connections section by selecting the ‘Manage’ option in the main menu:
Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure

We note that there is already a linked service of type Data Lake Gen2 called “XXXXXX-WorkspaceDefaultStorage”, corresponding to the default storage account of the Synapse Analytics workspace. If you want to use a different storage account or another type of storage account (such as Azure blob storage, SFTP, Amazon S3, etc.) to store the files, you will have to create and configure a new linked service before creating the pipeline. In this case the main storage account of the Synapse Analytics workspace will be used to store the incremental during the ingest phase and the audit history.

Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure
  1. The next step consists of creating the main pipeline. To do this, from the ‘Integrate’ section of the main menu, click on the + button and select the ‘Pipeline’ option.
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We enter the name and description of the main pipeline. Annotations can also be added to help us classify and identify the pipelines in the Synapse Analytics workspace.

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Stage 1: Truncate

The first stage of the process consists of removing the content in the ingest directory (/Ingest), used as a temporary storage area for the extraction of the incremental audit information to be processed during each execution. To do so, the following steps must be followed:

  1. From the ‘General’ section of the activity pane, select and drag a Delete type activity to the work area.
Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure
  1. In the ‘General’ tab of the activity, set the name and description, verifying that the status of the activity is ‘Activated’.
Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure
  1. In the ‘Source’ tab, click on ‘+ New’ button.
Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure
  1. Select ‘Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2’ and Continue.
Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure
  1. In the dataset properties, enter a descriptive name and select the linked service where the previously generated file structure is located (in this case in the main storage account of the Synapse Analytics workspace).
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  1. Next, select the audit-crm/Ingest directory from the file explorer and click OK button.
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  1. In the ‘Set properties’ dialog, click OK and check that the newly created dataset is sectioned in the ‘Dataset’ field of the Source section in the Delete activity properties. Select the option ‘Wildcard file path’ and in the field ‘Wildcard file name’ enter the value ‘*‘, to specify that the entire contents of the directory should be deleted.
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  1. Finally, click on ‘Publish all’ to save the changes to the pipeline.
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Stage 2: Get the last execution date

In the second stage, the date corresponding to the last extraction of the audit from Dataverse is retrieved, used as the cut-off date for obtaining the new data incremental. This value is stored in the previously generated incremental control CSV file, updated at the end of each execution of the process. The necessary steps are outlined below:

  1. From the ‘General’ section of the activities panel, select and drag a Search type activity to the workspace, and connect it to the output of the Delete activity created in the previous step.
Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure
  1. In the ‘General’ tab of the activity, set the name and description, verifying that the status of the activity is ‘Activated’.
Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure
  1. The data set corresponding to the control CSV file is created, to do so, from the ‘Configuration’ tab, select ‘+ New’.
Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure
  1. Select ‘Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2’ and Continue.
Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure
  1. Select ‘DelimitedText’ as the format and click Continue.
Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure
  1. In the dataset properties, enter a descriptive name and select the linked service where the previously generated file structure is located (in this case in the main storage account of the Synapse Analytics workspace). Verify that the option ‘First row as header’ is checked.
Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure
  1. From the file explorer, select the incremental control CSV file previously deposited in the root directory of the previously defined folder structure (audit-crm/) and click OK.
Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure
  1. In the ‘Settings’ tab of the search activity, check that the data source is selected, the option ‘First row only’ is ticked and in the field ‘File path type’ the option ‘File path in dataset’ is selected, the other options can be left with the default value.
Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure
  1. If you click on the ‘Preview data’ button, you should see a window similar to the one below:
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  1. Click on ‘Publish all’ to save the changes to the pipeline.
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Stage 3: Ingest

The third phase of the process corresponds to the ingestion of the incremental authoring data from Dataverse (from the cut-off date retrieved in the previous phase) in the temporary storage area (/Ingest directory). For this purpose, a query in FetchXML format is performed on the Dataverse audit entity and the results of the extraction are stored in a plain text file in CSV format, following the steps below:

  1. From the ‘Move and Transform’ section of the activity pane, select and drag a Copy Data type activity to the workspace, and connect it to the output of the Search activity created in the previous step.
Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure
  1. In the ‘General’ tab of the activity, set the name and description, verifying that the status of the activity is ‘Activated’.
Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure
  1. From the Source tab, configure the linked service corresponding to the connection with the Dataverse environment from which the audit information is extracted. To do so, click on ‘+ New’ button.
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  1. Select ‘Dataverse (Common Data Service for applications)’ and Continue.
Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure
  1. In the ‘Linked Service’ field, select the ‘+ New’ option to create the connection to the Dataverse environment, specifying the environment URL, authentication type and credentials.
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  1. In the ‘Source’ tab, check that the recently created linked service is selected, and in the ‘Use query’ field, check the ‘Query’ option. Next, the query in FetchXML format to be executed against the configured environment will be configured.
Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure

During data extraction, the following fields are retrieved from the Dataverse audit entity:


Description Type
Createdon Date on which the change to the record is made. Date
Operation Type of modification made to the record. Whole number
Objectid Unique identifier of the modified record (Contact in this case). Guid
User User who makes the modification in the record. Text
Changedata Modifications made to the attributes of the record.

Text (JSON format)

The FetchXML query performed has the following structure, where “ENTITY” corresponds to the numeric identifier of the entity in Dataverse (2 in the case of contact) and “LAST_EXTRACTION_DATE” corresponds to the last extraction date retrieved during the previous phases of the process:

Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure
  1. In the ‘Query’ field, enter the following FetchXML query, replacing the value of the creation date condition (createdon) with the value corresponding to the first row retrieved from the incremental control file in the pipeline fetch activity, in order to parameterize the extraction date.
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Final FetchXML query:

Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure
  1. Once the data source has been configured, the next step is to create the linked service corresponding to the ingest directory where the retrieved CSV files will be stored. To do this, from the Sink tab, click on ‘+ New’ button.
Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure
  1. Select ‘Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2’ and Continue.
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  1. Select ‘DelimitedText’ as the format and click Continue.
Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure
  1. From the ‘Set properties’ dialog, enter the data destination name, the linked service and, from the explorer, select the audit-crm/Ingest/ directory. Once the ingest directory is set, enter the name of the CSV files to be generated during the extraction, it is important to specify the extension (.csv) at the end to ensure that the files are generated in Data Lake in the correct format. Check the option ‘First row as header’ and click OK.
Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure

In the Receiver tab of the data copy activity, check that the newly created linked service is selected, the remaining options can be left with the default value.

  1. The last step consists of mapping fields between the fields of the audit data query returned by Dataverse and the columns of the CSV files to be stored during the ingest phase. To configure the mapping, click on the ‘Import schemas’ button from the ‘Mapping’ tab of the data Copy data activity.
Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure
  1. Since the creation date is parameterized in the query, to retrieve the source schema we need to enter a date, we can use any date in the format ‘YYYYY-MM-dd’.
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  1. Once the source data schema has been imported, configure the mapping as indicated in the following image (some of the fields returned by the query are not necessary and can be removed from the mapping):
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  1. Click on ‘Publish all’ to save the changes to the pipeline.
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  1. Before proceeding to the implementation of the last phase, we can verify that the data extraction and configuration of the previous phases is correct. To do this, once the pipeline has been published, we can execute it manually from the ‘Add trigger’ button and selecting the ‘Trigger now’ option.
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  1. From the Monitor section of the Synapse Analytics workspace, we can check the running status.
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  1. If the execution is successful, a new CSV file should have been generated in the ingest directory (audit-crm/Ingest) with the following structure:
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Stage 4: Transform and load

In the last phase of the process, the CSV files obtained during the previous phases are processed to perform the corresponding transformations on the data and update the audit trail in the Data Lake storage account.

These transformations are performed through a PySpark Notebook running from the Azure Synapse Analytics main pipeline.

As a starting point, it is necessary to create a new Apache Spark cluster to run the Notebook, following the steps below:

  1. From the Manage section of the Synapse Analytics workspace, click on ‘Apache Spark pools’ and click on ‘+ New’.
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    1. Next, the Spark cluster configuration parameters are set, such as the name of the cluster, the size and the minimum and maximum number of nodes to be used in the case of enabling automatic scalability. For this scenario, a small node size and a maximum of 3 nodes are used, but the configuration to be chosen will depend on the resource requirements of the solution to be implemented, the volume of data to be processed and other factors. At the bottom, the estimated cost per hour is displayed depending on the selected configuration. Once the parameters have been defined, click on the ‘Review and create’ button to proceed with the creation of the Spark group.

NOTE: These settings can be changed later after the Spark group has been created

Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure

Once the Apache Spark cluster has been created, we can proceed with the implementation of the Notebook for incremental file processing, following the steps below.

  1. From the ‘Develop’ section of the main menu in the Synapse Analytics workspace, click on the ‘+’ button and select the ‘Notebook’ option. This will open a new tab with the editor, from which we can add the name and description of the Notebook.
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  1. At the top of the editor, select the Spark group created earlier in the ‘Associate to’ field, and verify that the language selected is ‘PySpark (Python)’.
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  1. Notebooks are organized by cells executed one after the other, a cell can be a comment cell (Markdown), not interpreted by the Spark cluster; or a code cell, where PySpark (Python), Scala, Java and SQL languages are supported. In this case, PySpark is used for the implementation of the Notebook, creating one (or several) independent cell/s for each of the steps that make up the process, detailed below. To create a new code cell within the Notebook, click on the ‘+ Code’ button, we can manually run each of the cells independently, or run the entire notebook.
Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure

3.1 Reading incremental audit file

The first step is to read the incremental file hosted in the /audit-crm/Ingest/ directory and save its contents in a dataframe. A dataframe is a columnar data structure often used in Spark (similar to a SQL table) optimized for distributed processing. To do this, a new cell is created and the following code is added, where xxxxxx refers to the name of the storage account where the CSV file extracted during the ingest phase is located.

df =‘abfss://’, format=’csv’, header=True,delimiter=’;’)

Through the display function, by executing the cell we can preview the content loaded in the dataframe, corresponding to the structure of the incremental CSV audit file.

Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure

The Operation field extracted from Dataverse, corresponding to the type of modification made on the record (Creation, Update, etc.) is returned as a numerical value. To obtain the literal corresponding to each type of operation, an additional dataframe is created with the equivalence, crossing with the main dataframe by means of the following PySpark code through the join function:

crmOperationValues = [(“Crear”, 1), (“Actualizar”, 2), (“Eliminar”, 3), (“Acceder”, 4), (“Upsert”, 5), (“Archivar”, 115), (“Retener”, 116), (“DeshacerRetener”, 117), (“OperaciónPersonalizada”, 200)] df_crmOperationValues = spark.createDataFrame(crmOperationValues, [“OperationName”, “Value”])
from pyspark.sql.functions import col
df = df.join(df_crmOperationValues, col(“Operation”) == col(“Value”), “inner”).drop(“Value”)

If we execute the display function on the main dataframe, we can see that we already have the literal corresponding to the operation field (OperationName).

Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure

3.2 Process DataFrame

The ChangedFields field (corresponding to the changedata field in Dataverse) is returned in JSON format, and may contain one or several objects corresponding to the changes in the attributes of the table (for each one the previous value and the new value are returned). In order to facilitate the exploration of the audit data (for example, from a PowerBI report), it is necessary to obtain a row for each of the modified fields of the entity in Dataverse, obtaining for each row the name of the modified field, the previous value and the new value. Each of the JSON objects contains the following structure:

Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure

Through the following PySpark code, the necessary modifications are made to the main dataframe.

  • Convert the ‘ChangedFields’ field into JSON structure through the from_json function by defining the schema structure beforehand.
  • Get one line for each JSON object in the Array by using the explode
  • Remove the final ‘.0000000’ part of the date field (createdon) using a regular expression and the regexp_replace function, to avoid formatting errors during the execution of subsequent Notebook cells.
Copy to Clipboard

If we show the updated dataframe after the transformations through the display function, we can see that the breakdown of the fields coming from each JSON object for each of the processed rows is already included.

Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure

3.3 Format creation date/strong>

To convert the date field (createdon) to the format ‘yyyy-MM-dd‘ by adding an additional column (Auditdate) to the main dataframe, the to_date function is used.

Copy to Clipboard
Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure

3.4 Partitioning

As mentioned in the architecture section, in order to organize the historical audit files in Data Lake, it is proposed to use the ‘YEAR/MONTH/DAY’ structure. To do this, use is made of the PySpark partitionBy function, which allows the data of a dataframe to be distributed in partitions according to the specified fields:

df_final =“*”,year(“AuditDate”).alias(“year”),month(“AuditDate”).alias(“month”) ,dayofmonth(“AuditDate”).alias(“day”))

3.5 Saving the result in Data Lake

Once the dataframe is partitioned, the contents are stored in the /AuditData directory of the Data Lake storage account. To do this, the write function is used, specifying the following parameters:

  • Data is written to Data Lake in a partitioned manner by year, month and day.
  • If files exist in the destination directory, they are updated (overwrite) instead of generating new files.
  • The first row of the file includes the columns of the dataframe.
  • UTF-8 encoding is used for writing to Data Lake.
  • The generated files are stored in the directory audit-crm/AuditData/csv

df_final.write.partitionBy(“year”,”month”,”day”).mode(“overwrite”).option(“header”, “true”).option(“encoding”,”UTF-8″).csv(“abfss://”)

3.6 Update execution date

Finally, the last extraction date is updated in the incremental control file, in order to retrieve only the audit data modified in the future since the last extraction during the next process runs.

The most recent value of the date field (createdon) on the incremental of the data processed in the Notebook is taken as the date of last extraction. To do this, the max and collect() functions are used and the date is stored in the variable maxsq. The incremental control file is then read from the root directory and stored in a new dataframe, adding the value stored in the variable as an additional column.

maxsq =“Createdon”).cast(“string”))).collect()[0][0] df_lastSyncDate =‘abfss://’, format=’csv’, header=True,delimiter=’;’)

Finally, using the Pandas library and the to_csv function, the incremental control CSV file in the Data Lake storage account is updated with the latest extraction date.


  1. Once all the above cells have been implemented, publish the notebook by clicking on the ‘Publish’ button to save the changes.
Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure
  1. To verify that the process works correctly, before proceeding to its automation from the main pipeline, you can run the entire Notebook by clicking on the button ‘ ▶ Run all’ located at the top of the upper button panel.

NOTE: The first time the Notebook is run, it may take a few minutes to start until the Spark cluster starts..

If the Notebook run is successful, the folder structure partitioned by Year, Month and Day and the corresponding audit CSV files should be generated on completion..

Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure

If we examine one of the generated partitioned files, the following column structure should be displayed:

Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure

Finally, the Notebook execution is added as the final phase of the main Synapse Analytics pipeline, through the following steps.

  1. From the ‘Synapse’ section of the activity pane, select and drag a Notepad type activity into the workspace, and connect it to the output of the Copy Data activity created earlier for data ingestion.
Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure
  1. In the ‘General’ tab of the activity, set the name and description, verifying that the status of the activity is ‘Activated’.
Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure
  1. In the Configuration tab, select the previously created Notebook in the ‘Notepad’ field and the initially created Spark Group, the other fields can be left with the default value.
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  1. Click on ‘Publish all’ to save the changes to the pipeline.
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This implements all the phases that make up the main Synapse Analytics pipeline. You could run the whole process on demand by clicking on the ‘Add trigger’ button and selecting the ‘Run now’ option, or create a new trigger to run the process automatically with a specific recurrence.

Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure

Exploring audit data from PowerBI

As in the previous article, a Power BI report is proposed to facilitate the consultation and exploration of Dataverse historical audit data stored in Data Lake. The steps required to establish the connection to the storage account and to produce a simple audit report are outlined below.

  1. From the PowerBI Desktop tool, select the ‘Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2’ option from the ‘Get Data’ menu.
Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure
  1. Enter the URL (dfs) of the audit-crm container used to store the audit history in Data Lake. which has the following format (where ‘XXXXX’ is the name of the storage account):

Azure credentials or the shared key of the storage account will be requested for authentication.

  1. On the next screen, click on ‘Transform data’, as some adjustments are necessary before loading the data into the report.
Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure
  1. From the Power Query editor, metadata files must be excluded, so the filter ‘Ends with .csv’ is applied on the ‘Name’ column to include only files with CSV extension corresponding to the historical audit data.
Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure
  1. Next, click on the ‘Merge files’ button, located on the right-hand side of the ‘Content’ column header. In the ‘Merge files’ dialogue, click on OK and proceed to load the data into the report by clicking on the ‘Close and apply’ button at the top of the ribbon.
Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure
  1. After loading the data, visualizations can be added to the workspace. These visualizations can be tables, charts, segmentations or other visual elements. The selection of columns, filters and other settings are made according to the needs of the report.
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NOTE: If you want to publish the report in the PowerBI service, you need to have a PowerBI license and the necessary privileges assigned.


Throughout the article, we have seen how to implement a step-by-step solution to export Dataverse contact entity audit data to a Data Lake (Gen2) storage account, by implementing an ETL process using Azure Synapse Analytics and Apache Spark, and mining the audit history from a Power BI report. This solution offers a number of benefits, such as freeing up space in the Dataverse database by reducing storage costs, improving flexibility and analysis of audit data, and scalability to accommodate large environments.

I hope it has been interesting and can be of help or serve as a reference guide if you have a similar scenario in which the proposed solution can be applied.

About the Author: Alberto Cotelo

Export Dataverse audit to Data Lake using Azure Synapse and Spark Axazure
Technical Consultant Dynamics 365 CE

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