Meet the

BizApps Universe

Trust Axazure’s spaceship and its crew to travel safely anywhere in the galaxies that shape this complex ecosystem of Microsoft business applications.


EN - Ecosistema Axazure

At the core of this universe we find the metadata platform that provides a simplified and unified data scheme so the applications and services can interact.  

The Dataverse (formerly Common Data Service or CDS) enables the storage and management of data safely to be used by the different Microsoft business applications, even from third-party sources, in a company or organisation.


Customer Engagement

In all CRM systems, the star is the customer.
With Microsoft Dynamics 365 you will enhance their commitment or engagement,
achieving a positive connection with your products, services and brands.

Customer Relation Management applications are systems oriented to improve 3 basic areas of connection with a company’s clients: structured commercial management that enhances sales, in-depth knowledge of the customer that allows to create accurate and suitable marketing campaigns and after-sales service or customer service for their loyalty and satisfaction.

In this way, the entire sales process is optimised, streamlined, and maximised, centralising all interaction between the organisation and its customers in a single database, maintaining at the same time a detailed history of them.

EN - Ecosistema Axazure EN - Ecosistema Axazure CUSTOMER
EN - Ecosistema Axazure FORMS EN - Ecosistema Axazure FRAUD PROTECTION EN - Ecosistema Axazure MARKETING EN - Ecosistema Axazure SALES

To really get to know Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement galaxy with
guarantees, you will require a crew completely capable of landing your business in the
following applications: D365 Sales, D365 Customer Service,
D365 Marketing, D365 Customer Insights, D365 Fraud Protection and D365 Field Service
, supported by its 3 satellites
D365 Guides, Product Visualize y Remote Assist.

With Dynamics 365 you Will optimize the way you communicate with your clients, boosting the productivity
of the sales department and improving the results of your marketing strategy.

You will get to simplify business processes and consolidate the entire customer journey on a single platform.
From prospect consulting to sales and customer service, you will be able to flexibly assign all working
processes, analyze them extensively and control them individually.


Finance and Operations

Axazure was born from the ERP empire and counts with one of the most compact
teams worldwide so your business can reach the most remote places in the galaxy.
With Microsoft Dynamics 365 it is possible to get unified,
real-time view of all business operations.

Enterprise Resource Planning applications are business management systems of an organisation that integrates all its areas (accounting, purchasing, sales, HR, planning, etc.) through transparent, real-time processes, in relational and centralised databases.

In the past, the implementation of this kind of systems was complex and expensive due to the integration of all business processes, with real-time reports and automate controls, meant a sophisticated technology and a heavy burden on servers and processors.

EN - Ecosistema Axazure EN - Ecosistema Axazure HUMAN
COMMERCE EN - Ecosistema Axazure FINANCE EN - Ecosistema Axazure SUPPLY CHAIN
EN - Ecosistema Axazure PROJECT

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations galaxy is made up of the
following applications: D365 Finance, D365 Supply Chain Management,
D365 Commerce y D365 Human Resources, complemented with the new
D365 Project Operations.

Operational oversight, efficient streamlining and process automation can be accomplished through accessible, affordable and adaptive
cloud services that reduce the burden and cost of deployment to the company’s infrastructure.

With Dynamics 365 you will control your company’s finance, commercial and productive operations: from cost
management to human resources planning or branding and personalised commercial experiences to supply chain automation.

The ability to manage the flow of data and knowledge in a unified way will empower your employees to make better
and faster decisions, reducing operational costs and responding agilely to changing
business needs in today’s competitive and dynamics world.

Power Platform

This is our great bet for you to expand your management.
Our crew dominates this powerful and connected platform that allows
users and developers to innovate and democratise digital transformation,
since they can build and customise agile solutions with almost immediate results.

Microsoft’s vision is to create a framework called Triple A Cycle: analyse, act and
with a system that allows users to obtain from data, the
necessary knowledge to drive business processes developing applications and
designing automatic flows.

Microsoft Power Platform implements this vision through 4 cloud-based services: Power BI, Power Apps, Power Automate and Power Virtual Agents.

EN - Ecosistema Axazure POWER APPS EN - Ecosistema Axazure POWER BI EN - Ecosistema Axazure POWER AUTOMATE EN - Ecosistema Axazure AI BUILDER SALES EN - Ecosistema Axazure POWER VIRTUAL

All Power Platform applications are intended for business users, not developers, so they
can develop applications and automate processes without writing any line of code.