One of the out-of-the-box features of Dynamics 365 Human Resources provides checklists creation, facilitating task management when a new person joins or leaves the organization, as well as position changes through what is commonly known in HR as internal mobility.
In the following scenario we will create a checklist and then associate it with a newly hired employee. We will use the Task Management module, as follows:
Log into Dynamics 365 Human Resources, select Task Management:
Once logged into the module, select the Links and then under Onboarding, select Checklists. In case it is necessary to configure any element, select Onboarding configuration and fill in the fields based on your organization’s need. We will go directly to the lists.
A new screen will open, showing – if they exist – the checklists for Onboarding. Find below a list that has already been created. If you need to create a new one, simply select +New in the top section and then +Create new.
Let’s look at the checklist elements:
+ Task: simple name for the task.
+ Description: describes what will be executed in the task.
+ Assignment type: to whom the task will be assigned. It can be job, worker, group, manager or employee self-service.
+ Assigned to: based on the type of assignment, this field will show who should execute the task.
+ Due date: days on which the task must be executed. The hiring date is day 0, tasks assigned in negative must be executed previously, tasks in positive must be executed later, as well as those dated for day 0 will be executed the same day of the hiring date.
+ Contact person: reference person for the specific task.
+ Optional: if the task is optional, it can be indicated when creating it and will appear here.
+ Task link: link that facilitates the execution of a task.
To visualize how a Checklist works within Dynamics 365 Human Resources, we will hire a new worker and associate the checklist with them. This will trigger the assignment of tasks and activities to the respective people involved, who will have to execute them before they are due. Let’s have a look at the hiring process in a short and simple way
Log into Dynamics 365 Human Resources, select Personnel Management:
Once logged into the module, select +Hire employee.
A new tab will open, add employee details. This form will include the Onboarding Checklist, as shown in the image below:
Once all data is complete, select Hire.
Leia Organa has been hired on 21st of March and I assigned to the All Employees Checklist. This recruitment will trigger the assignment of tasks to jobs, workers or groups so that they can be completed.
In the following screen we can visualize the notification of the pending tasks to be executed within the main Dynamics 365 Human Resources dashboard.
This out-of-the-box functionality is very useful to resolve challenging tasks needed to be performed when an employee joins the company, position changes or the employment is terminated.