Microsoft Teams is a powerful tool for team collaboration. Sometimes it can be helpful for a group of users to have direct access to a website without having to leave Teams, such as the company’s corporate website. This article explains how to pin a website to the Teams sidebar by creating a custom tab app, and how to make it available to all users by configuring the global app policy.

To perform the steps in this guide, you need to be assigned the Teams Administrator role.

First, create your Teams custom tab app by following these steps:

1. Go to Teams and select Apps.

How to pin a website in Teams for all users Axazure

2. Create a new app.

How to pin a website in Teams for all users Axazure

3. Enter the name of the app. In Manifest version, select Latest stable (1.17) and press Add.

How to pin a website in Teams for all users Axazure

4. Fill in the requested information, including the developer’s name and URL.

How to pin a website in Teams for all users Axazure

5. In the sidebar, select App features and then Personal app.

How to pin a website in Teams for all users Axazure

6. Select Add a tab. In the pop-up window, insert the URL of the website in the Content URL field. Do not modify the EntityID or Scope (which must be personal). Press Confirm and save your changes.

How to pin a website in Teams for all users Axazure
How to pin a website in Teams for all users Axazure
How to pin a website in Teams for all users Axazure

Preview the app in Teams by clicking Preview in Teams and verify that the website loads correctly.

How to pin a website in Teams for all users Axazure
How to pin a website in Teams for all users Axazure
How to pin a website in Teams for all users Axazure

8. Return to the Teams Developer Portal, select Publish to org, and publish your app.

How to pin a website in Teams for all users Axazure

It will then appear as Submitted

How to pin a website in Teams for all users Axazure

9. Now, go to the Teams admin center. Go to Teams apps > Manage apps and check that a custom app is pending approval.

How to pin a website in Teams for all users Axazure

10. Find the app (which will appear as blocked), access it, and publish it. A window will appear to confirm that you want to publish the app.

How to pin a website in Teams for all users Axazure
How to pin a website in Teams for all users Axazure

If you search for the app again, you can check that it is no longer blocked.

How to pin a website in Teams for all users Axazure

It can take a few hours for the app to be available to users, who can find it in apps built by your organization.

How to pin a website in Teams for all users Axazure

In the next part of this article, it explains how to pin this app to the left sidebar of Teams for all users.

About the Author: Carolina Sierra

How to pin a website in Teams for all users Axazure

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